P1: Tell Your Dev Story

  • C3W4 Sep 16 (5 Points):
    • 10+ Pages (each of your struct MyInfoPage: View),
    • 20+ Views (SwiftUI views, like Text or Image, not including stack views or scroll views)
    • 20+ Modifiers (like .padding or .underline, but not arguments like .leading)
    • 6+ Layouts Views (3+ VStack, 2+ HStack and 1+ ZStack)
    • Long strings stored in enum Constants (never source code lines over 120 characters)
  • C4W5 Sep 25 (15 Points): Interactive Views and Navigation
    • Must submit through GitHub Classroom assignment
    • Every page in its own file with a preview
    • Every page with a descriptive name
    • Every type named with PascalCase (i.e., all views and pages, anytime you have struct MyView: View)
    • Refactor all repetitive code (see video in Class 4 notes) that you can; if you find a part that you tried but couldn't then explain that in comments in your code
    • Every page should be something something new to look at, not just different words and different image; a new layout, color scheme, styling, interaction, etc.
    • I will mark you down substantially if your app looks like someone else's; the best way to ensure this is get creative and curious
    • Use a wide variety of views and modifiers that we have used in class
    • You must use at least a few @State variables and change them to update your UI
    • I will not be checking for use of any particular data structures
    • It is very rare that you should use \n for spacing, and never "" to space views out; see padding or stacks instead
  • C5W6 Oct 4 (updates the 15 points from check-in #2): Due on GitHub
    • See the rubric on Canvas and feedback on your PR
    • Your work will be re-evaluated with the same rubric and the same Canvas assignment (your score gets updated)

This is not a grading checklist

  • Each page needs to be in its own file so each one has its own preview
  • Create projects with NO testing and NO storage
  • PamelCaseNameApp no punctuation or spaces, same with views
  • Every page and view should be descriptively named
  • Show how to add files without making references that won't commit. Before submitting, try moving your project folder and see if it still works
  • I want to see a commit history
  • We need to use gitignore
  • Show how to Nuke the project and bring over files
  • We need to do some refactoring where we reuse our code
  • If your content doesn't fit, use a ScrollView, please
  • Future comments will come in a commit on a branch in the project
  • Do not use ZIP file. Need to show proper structure.
  • Use padding or spacing instead of \n or ""
  • Think about usability. When someone get to the end of your app, what about all those stacked views?
  • Best ot make each modifier on a new line; and spaces between views
  • Visual design wasn't part of the requirements but many phone it in on this
  • Organize with App file first and ContentView second
  • Let's clean up blatant UI issues
  • for check 2 the app should run in simulator
  • Make each page end with "Page"
  • Let's make some reusable views with name ending "View"
  • 750 words requirement
  • Do not leave commented code in most cases